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Movie Genres
> Comedy
The Bashful Bachelor
Kid Dynamite
Killer Dill
Lady Behave!
The Lady Says No
Betty Boop's Little Pal
Long Shot
Lost in the Stratosphere
Made for Each Other
Mad Monster Party?
Malice in the Palace
Meet John Doe
Midnight Manhunt
Misbehaving Husbands
The Missing Corpse
Mr. Boggs Steps Out
My Dear Secretary
My Favorite Brunette
My Man Godfrey
Navy Blues
'Neath Brooklyn Bridge
Paradise Express
The Pay Off
Private Buckaroo
Private Snuffy Smith
Red Lights Ahead
Roar of the Press
Romance on the Run
Royal Wedding
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
Second Chorus
Secret Valley
Sing a Song of Six Pants
Smart Alecks
Son of the Navy
So This Is Washington
Spooks Run Wild
Steamboat Bill, Jr.
A Successful Failure
The Sundowners
That Gang of Mine
The Inspector General
Million Dollar Kid
The Miracle Kid
The Paleface
The Town Went Wild
Undercover Agent
War Babies
War Dogs
The Yanks Are Coming
Two Weeks to Live
My Wife's Relations
Kid Auto Races at Venice
It's a Joke, Son!
Let's Get Tough!
Li'l Abner
Machine Gun Mama
Meet the Boy Friend
The Old Swimmin' Hole
Peck's Bad Boy
Reefer Madness
So's Your Aunt Emma!
Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven
That's My Baby!